El Jesús innovador
Jesús no encajaba en sus expectativas. La mayoría no estaba dispuesta a que Jesús reformulara su perspectiva del Mesías.
Global Celebration of Literature Evangelists Holds First-ever Online Meeting
Thousands get online to receive encouragement amid ongoing pandemic.
Mission Unusual in Japan
A new partnership seeks to support church-planting initiatives across the city of Tokyo.
100 días de oración dan nacimiento a una cadena de oración de jóvenes
Por toda la región de Asia Pacífico Sur, los jóvenes adventistas se están reuniendo para orar.
Why We Met Online to Pray for Religious Liberty, Sabbath Accommodation
A church leader in Asia reflects on the importance of discussing and praying together.
Golden Angels lanza una serie de ‘conciertos de habitación’
Los miembros de una agrupación musical adventista se esfuerzan por reinventarse durante la cuarentena.
Golden Angels Launch Series of ‘Room Concerts’
Adventist musical group members strive to reinvent themselves during lockdown.
100 Days of Prayer Gives Birth to Youth Prayer Network
Across the Southern Asia-Pacific region, Adventist young people are gathering to pray.
In the Philippines, AIIAS Continues to Thrive During Pandemic
Students, faculty, and staff have worked to make the campus a “haven,” leaders said.