Japan Youth Stand Up to COVID-19 With a Multi-Generation Program
‘Daniel Rush’ encourages members to work on physical and spiritual health.
China Adventists Donate Rice to Underprivileged Families in the Philippines
Despite being gravely affected by the coronavirus, Chinese Adventist members in the Philippines extend help where it is greatly needed
Young People Top Enrollment in the ‘100 Days of Prayer’ Initiative
Across the Southern Asia-Pacific Division, the world church program is driven by youth.
Coronavirus Claims Life of Adventist Pastor in Indonesia
Regional church moves to make the most of digital evangelism, online prayer sessions.
In Mongolia, Adventist Radio Station Wins National Competition
Khemnel Radio received an award for its contents for children.
ADRA Responds to COVID-19 in South Korea
Adventist humanitarian arm is assisting residents and members across the nation.
Southern Asia-Pacific Division Headquarters Limits Onsite Operations
Church leaders’ actions in tune with requests by national authorities in the Philippines
After Volcano Woes, AIIAS Commemorates Its 104th Graduation Ceremony
Adventist education leader calls graduates to give God all they have.