Anniversary Celebration Connects Korean Adventists across Time and Place
Leaders call for a renewed commitment to share the gospel in the country and abroad.
Musical Remembrance Launches 120th-Anniversary Celebration in Korea
Performance reminds leaders, members of the sacrifices of early Adventist missionaries.
Hope Channel Philippines Breaks Ground for New Building
New media facilities seek to increase the footprint of the ministry across the nation.
English Bible Recitation School Empowers 1,400 Participants in South Korea
Initiative for children keeps growing as it seeks to expand to other members.
Adventist Hospital in Malaysia Achieves Breakthrough in Cardiac Care
First self-expanding aortic valve implantation highlights specialized services at Penang.
Philippine Publishing House Celebrates 110 Years of Literature Ministry
Church leaders highlight the organization’s story of resilience and its enduring legacy.
Bible Quiz Ignites Faith, Strengthens Fellowship in Vietnam Adventist Youth
Hundreds of young people meet in search of a deeper connection with God’s Word.
Children’s Evangelism and Outreach in Cambodia Culminates in Baptisms
Initiative sought to train, encourage a new generation of believers, leaders say.
Korean Adventist Health Food Company Builds Wells and Schools Worldwide
Sahmyook Foods makes a global impact beyond profit, its leaders say.
Southern Asia-Pacific Delegates Retrace Ellen White’s Legacy in Australia
Study tour inspires and educates leaders on the importance of Adventist history.