Tips for Digital Evangelism in the Post-Coronavirus Era
Now might be the right time to increase the Adventist digital footprint.
Mantengamos encendido el fuego del hogar
Por demasiado tiempo, Satanás se las ha ingeniado para llenar nuestras vidas con cronogramas atestados y múltiples distracciones
Central de Tagaytay: Una iglesia caliente
Los miembros decidieron usar el tiempo que les quede en ese lugar para maximizar su efectividad misionera.
Keeping the Home Fires Burning
Family worship is a means of speaking to God as a group—then listening for His voice.
1,189 Young People, 1,189 Chapters, 1,189 Days
Southern Asia-Pacific Division launches corporate Bible-reading project.
El bautismo de una jueza destaca el evangelismo en línea de Abogados Adventistas
En las Filipinas, la organización de abogados adventistas está involucrada activamente en la misión.
Island Drilling Makes for Unique Workflow in India
In archipelago, Maranatha implements a unique process to provide clean water.
Exceptional Grandfather Finds the Support He Desperately Needed
In Cambodia, ADRA is helping people in need to enjoy healthier and happier lives.
Judge’s Baptism Highlights Adventist Lawyers’ Online Evangelism
In the Philippines, the organization of Adventist law practitioners gets actively involved in mission.