More than 10,000 Babies
Kettering Medical Center doctor Percy Frasier has left an indelible mark in one U.S. city.
Art Teacher at Adventist School Selected to Exhibit Her Work at the Louvre
Raquel Falk is preparing to show some of her watercolor paintings in Paris in 2022.
It Started with Two Cows
Mongolia’s 2020 Organic Farmer of the Year reached new heights thanks to ADRA.
In the U.S., Love Ties Congregations Together for Almost 30 Years
One helped the other almost three decades ago. In 2021, it was time to pay it back.
A Small Glimpse of the Richness of Life that God Has Provided
In Australia, Adventist artist discusses art, life, and transcendence.
Youth Evangelism and Discipleship Initiatives Multiply across U.S. Midwest
Lake Union Conference young people are finding new ways to share and build their faith.
Ministry Is Helping Indigenous Families in Guatemala’s Isolated Villages
It Is Written’s Spanish-language Escrito Está is reaching out in some of the hardest places.
Heart Transplant, Cancer Survivor Shares Secret behind Her Resilience
“There isn’t a day that goes by that I’m not thankful,” Julie Hutchinson says.
A Missionary, Wherever and Whenever God Leads Me
A young adult from Panama shares her experience as a volunteer missionary in Europe.
Banned for Handing Out Bibles but Cared for by God
John Robin witnessed the Lord’s providence in the northernmost island of Vanuatu.