Driven and Determined
How an Adventist graduate training to be a counter-terrorism expert lives out his faith in his work.
The Most Precious Gift
After a lifesaving kidney transplant, Gina Lockhart wanted to give back to her community.
Ripe for the Harvest
For the Baileys, high-quality produce is a step toward genuine connections for Jesus.
Willing and Able: Serving With a Disability
Three Adventists from a variety of backgrounds share how they are coping and thriving.
Four-year-old Breaks Hiking Record with Medical Missionary Family
The Netteburgs hiked the iconic 2,193-mile Appalachian Trail in seven months.
How I Found Hope and Meaning Through Sabbath School
How a Bible discussion TV show helped a woman in China find a clearer picture of God.
A Mom, Her Baby, and Hope and Healing After COVID-19
Faith in God is what moves Loma Linda University Health to care for people, a thankful patient says.
El conductor de un vehículo de alquiler transporta a una familia y participa en un evento adventista
Una pasajera adventista vio su pedido de servicio como una oportunidad para testificar y compartir esperanza.