In Australia, Live Family Worship Goes Global
Sandra Entermann’s weekly livestream has reached 155 countries, and each video averages 70,000 views.
‘What if Today Is the Day that It Clicks?’
How the COVID-19 pandemic placed one nurse in a position to make a difference.
26 Days of Asking in Faith
Adventist couple shares the life experience that helped them grow spiritually.
Sharing Jesus with Alcoholics Anonymous
In New Zealand, an Adventist is telling others what great things God has done in his life.
This Girl Is Determined to Become the First Female Doctor in Her Village
ADRA is helping to give South Sudan’s Nyaluak and others a new hope.
Finding a Place, from Zimbabwe to Houston
How a local Adventist church embraced a young professional immigrant.
‘I’m Just Lovin’ You!’
My little sister has Down syndrome. She is a wonderful blessing from God.
What I Discovered as I Triumphed Through Tragedy
An Adventist pastor shares her ordeal as she fought for her life.
At a Burned-out Church, I Found a Place for My Burned-out Heart
How one Maranatha volunteer found belonging, healing, and faith while serving others.
‘Would You Like to Make Five Hundred Dollars?’
How a catchy sign brought me to Bible truth.