How a TV Program Called a Single Mom to Serve in Peru
“We had the faith of a mustard seed, and I knew we could move mountains.”
Four Women Discuss God’s Calling and Their Passion to Serve Him
From pulpit to foster home to court to management office, they are making inroads and witnessing for God.
‘Lettering with a Purpose’
In Mexico, a young Adventist has found a refreshing way of sharing her faith.
How Students Are Helping Connect Their Church to Its Community
In Australia, three young men are building Adventists’ reputation as being community minded.
Students Produce Videos, Virtual Forums to Discuss COVID-19 Vaccines
Initiative is part of La Sierra University campaign to support sound decision-making.
Literature Evangelist Makes It His Life Mission to Reach Isolated Communities
“God has called me to do this job,” Brazilian Juneisson Motta says.
Project for the Deaf Will Take Adventist Student to UN Youth Conferences
Jamaica’s Letesha Whyte has been actively working to support her community.
Fifteen-Year-Old Adventist Student Conducts Bible Studies at Lunchtime
“The boys in my small group respond really well to the program,” Byron Tolhurst says.
Japanese Adventist Opens a Fun and Safe Space for Kids in Tokyo
Each person who walks through the door is a blessing, supporters say.
Mission Program for Adventist Teens Answers Prayers in the Navajo Nation
In the U.S. state of Arizona, Maranatha mission program impacts local community.