
New Bible Supports People Facing Life’s Challenges, Church Publishers Say

‘Hope Bible’ seeks to underpin the work of chaplains, health practitioners, and patients.

Marcos Paseggi, Adventist Review
New Bible Supports People Facing Life’s Challenges, Church Publishers Say

For Christians, the Bible is considered an irreplaceable helper tool, especially when going through life’s rough patches. Seventh-day Adventist leaders now expect a new edition, called Hope Bible, to help make this connection more explicit and straightforward.

“It is a Bible for people facing any challenge — a resource for health practitioners and chaplains,” said Mario Martinelli, CEO of Editorial Safeliz in Spain, the publishing house that will start offering worldwide shipping of the new edition in September 2019. “It is a great resource for health-care professionals.”

Martinelli’s comments were part of the official presentation of the Bible during the first day of the 3rd Global Conference on Health and Lifestyle in Loma Linda, California, United States, on July 9, 2019.

Unique Features

Hope Bible, which uses the New King James Version, features more than 1,000 Bible verses for all occasions, including aging, dealing with enemies, illness, and suffering, to name a few. Bible verses are also listed under other topics to help readers overcome addictions, anger, anxiety, fear, loss, shame and guilt, and many more everyday challenges.

Bible promises are also grouped under various spiritual categories, the publishers said, including promises about the return of Jesus and the resurrection, answers to prayers, salvation and eternal life, and victory over sin. “They have the potential of bringing you encouragement in moments of sorrow,” they emphasized.

A promotional video mentioned that selected verses are highlighted throughout the Bible and that a footnote connects that specific verse with a challenge the reader may be facing. For instance, the highlighted version of Psalm 50:15 — “Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me” — is connected to a footnote that reads, “Overcoming addictions.” Another note about overcoming addiction and complexes is linked to John 8:32, where Jesus said, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

Added Resources

At the beginning of the Bible, the new edition includes articles that, according to the publishers, show readers how to rediscover hope and understand why the Bible can be a book of hope. They are listed under titles such as “Hope for a Troubled World,” and “Active Listening for Better Communication.” It also highlights 130 prayers featured throughout the Bible, with applications, and 37 miracles of Jesus with practical comments and short explanations of selected Bible verses.

Other sections seem even more novel, such as the one entitled “Living Hope” at the beginning of the Bible. “It addresses important existential issues, and provides answers to many difficult questions,” publishers explained. Hope Bible also features a section called “Healthy Living,” with more than 40 articles on topics such as “An Answer for Cancer,” “Anger, Hostility, and Heart Disease,” and “Forgive and Live.”

Hope Bible was developed by Editorial Safeliz in cooperation with Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries and the Adventist Health Ministries departments of the Seventh-day Adventist Church over several years of consultation and effort. It is available in English, French, and Spanish, with the possibility of adding more languages in the near future.

In a special prayer of dedication, Adventist Church president Ted Wilson asked God to bless this new edition.

“I pray that people may be drawn to You [God] through this book of hope,” he said.

Marcos Paseggi, Adventist Review

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