
Mongolian Adventist Women Strive to Be ‘A Light in the City’

The women engaged in several outreach initiatives to bless their communities.

Northern Asia-Pacific Division, and Adventist Review
Mongolian Adventist Women Strive to Be ‘A Light in the City’

The women’s ministries department of the Mongolia Mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church has been actively engaging women from local Adventist churches to reach out and serve their communities, reflecting a powerful commitment to service and faith, according to regional church leaders. In a vast and challenging territory, these women are making significant strides in spreading the message of hope and compassion, they said. 

From March 11 to 16, a group of women from Adventist congregations in the capital city of Ulaanbaatar embarked on a mission to Uvurkhangai. It is a place rich in history and culture located about 270 miles (435 kilometers) from the country’s capital. This region, known for being the cradle of ancient Mongolian civilization, provided a unique backdrop for these women to share the love of Jesus, regional church leaders reported. 

During their journey, the group of Adventist women visited schools and government institutions, offering health assistance and conducting health seminars. Their outreach was not limited to health education, however; they also distributed 140 copies of Ellen G. White’s The Great Controversy

Participants distributed 140 copies of Ellen G. White’s The Great Controversy. [Photo: Northern Asia-Pacific Division News] 

Oyuntuya Batsukh, the Mongolia Mission women’s ministries director, said that the people’s response was very positive. “The response was great, and we are immensely blessed by our sisters’ support, dedication, and commitment as they respond to God’s call to go and reach the world,” Batsukh said. 

NSD women’s ministries director Raquel Arrais explained some particulars about serving in Mongolia. “In many cultures, including Mongolia, women are the primary caregivers within families and communities, making them well-positioned to understand and address the unique challenges faced by different groups. They possess a deep sense of compassion and a willingness to listen and act, which fosters trust and connection within communities as they share the gospel with others,” Arrais said. 

The efforts of the Mongolia Mission women’s ministries department exemplify the biblical principles of service, love, and compassion, church leaders said. “By addressing social issues such as violence against women and promoting healthy living, these women contribute to the well-being of their communities and inspire others to join their mission,” they said. “Their work is a testament to the vital role of women in community service and the spread of Christian values.” 

As they continue to “Go and Reach the World for Jesus,” the women of Mongolia are setting a powerful example of how faith and action can transform lives and create a more compassionate and understanding world, church leaders explained. “Their dedication serves as a beacon of hope and an invitation for others to join in their mission of love and service,” they said. 

The original version of this story was posted on the Northern Asia-Pacific Division news site. 

Northern Asia-Pacific Division, and Adventist Review

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