
Women’s International Day of Prayer Celebrated in Himalayan Section

Seventh-day Adventist women from across the territory met to be commended and inspired.

Himalayan Section Women’s Ministries
Women’s International Day of Prayer Celebrated in Himalayan Section
Shanti Pokharel, Women’s Ministries department director, preaches on the Sabbath (Saturday) celebration of International Women’s Day of Prayer.

The Seventh-day Adventist churches in the Himalayan Section celebrated the International Women’s Day of Prayer on March 2, 2024, by organizing various activities for women. All church services on that Saturday (Sabbath) were led by women, making it a special day for emphasizing the significance of prayer in their personal experience.

The day’s theme was “Ignite Your Prayer Life,” and organizers invited women to focus on their prayers and deepen their connection with God. It was an opportunity provided by the General Conference Women’s Ministries department “to create a conducive spiritual atmosphere within the church and empower women to experience God’s presence in their Christian journey,” one women’s ministry leader said.

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The celebration recognized the dedication of women in all the churches of the Himalayan Section, which is based in Kathmandu, Nepal, and churches provided a special fellowship lunch for them. Additionally, women from the community were invited to the services and warmly welcomed.

Each year, General Conference Women’s Ministries provides materials to the worldwide church for these Sabbath celebrations. Division directors organize translations to local languages and share the material with their union counterparts. They promote and share these with conferences, who distribute the resources to local churches so they can conduct these programs on the designated Sabbath. The materials are also suitable for women’s prayer conferences or retreats at other times of the year. This year, the material for the International Women’s Day of Prayer was prepared by Linda Koh, a former General Conference Children’s Ministry director.

Himalayan Section Women’s Ministries

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