
In Mongolia, Adventist Women Pastors Hold First-Ever Retreat

Event discusses the call to pastoral ministry, teaches skills to tackle challenges.

Northern Asia-Pacific Division, and Adventist Review
In Mongolia, Adventist Women Pastors Hold First-Ever Retreat
Group of leaders and eight Adventist women pastors who participated in their first-ever women’s pastoral retreat in the Mongolia Mission in December. [Photo: Mongolia Mission]

The Mongolia Mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (MM), under the leadership of Ministerial Association director Bold Batsukh, held the first women pastors’ training in its territory, December 1-3.

This first meeting sought to revive the mission spirit, realign procedures, and re-evaluate church administration strategies. Eight women pastors participated in this special event, organizers reported. The women pastors shared experiences and received training in effective pastoral care for their local churches.

Jonas Arrais, Ministerial Association director of the Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD), highlighted the importance of “being called to be a pastor,” and reviewed Church Manual procedures as well as important chapters in the Minister’s Manual. After his presentation, there was time for discussion on pressing issues and ideas on how to lead local churches in the face of today’s challenges. Raquel Arrais, NSD ministerial associate, presented the morning devotionals, sharing key topics on spiritual growth and care. Batsukh offered important leadership insights for the daily work of a pastor.

MM secretary Adiyakhuu Oktiyabri discussed strategies on church growth and reclaiming missing members, one of the biggest challenges the church in Mongolia has faced after the pandemic. Finally, treasury department leaders shared guidelines, procedures, and explanations on how the church operates financially.

Attendees left inspired and equipped with renewed energy to lead and nurture their congregations. “This milestone gathering not only celebrated women in pastoral roles but also laid the foundation for future collaboration,” organizers said. “[It fostered] a supportive network that will undoubtedly help their ministries in their local churches.”

Adventist women pastors in Mongolia discuss their calling and learned skills to tackle pressing challenges in their congregations. [Photo: Mongolia Mission]

New Mission President

The Mongolia Mission continues to grow despite ongoing challenges. In late 2023, NSD leaders elected Eui-Sik Yang as the new president of the territory.

Yang has deep ties to Mongolia. He began his ministry in Mongolia as the 15th missionary in the 1000MM program and has since served at the Wuxi Church of China in the East Central Korean Conference. He also served as the director of the 1000 Missionary Training Center in Peru; associate pastor of Gangnam Central Adventist Church and coordinator of the Adventist Training Center, both in Korea; senior pastor of the Bayangher Adventist church in Mongolia; and director of the University Student Missionary Training Center in Mongolia.

In an interview with Korean Adventist News in late 2023, Yang said, “Mongolia is a special land for me spiritually. In 2000, I served as the first Korean Seventh-day Adventist missionary to Mongolia. Out of that experience, I decided to give the rest of my life to God and began my life as a lifelong missionary.” He added, “I will go forward with full trust and reliance on God to fulfill the final mission.”

The original version of this story was posted on the Northern Asia-Pacific Division news site.

Northern Asia-Pacific Division, and Adventist Review
