A persistent spring rain didn’t stop hundreds of people from coming to the Warren Performing Arts Center in the eastern part of Indianapolis, Indiana, United States, for the Revelation of Hope evangelistic meeting on May 25, 2022.
Hosted by international evangelist Mark Finley and with General Conference president Ted N. C. Wilson as main speaker, the one-week Revelation of Hope series that launched on May 21 seeks to inspire hope in the future by reviewing what the Bible says about current and future events.
“Studying the Bible can help us have faith and confidence in the God of the Bible, no matter what the future may hold,” Wilson said.
During the first days of evening meetings, people following the series learned what the Bible book of Revelation says about how to prepare for impending crises; where we are currently in God’s prophetic timetable; how to gain confidence to face the future without fear; and how to avoid being misled in the quest to follow God.
A Blessing for All Ages
Wilson’s message for May 25 zeroed in on the Bible truth about the seventh-day Sabbath (Saturday), described by prophecy as God’s eternal sign.
Starting from the Creation week in Genesis, Wilson showed from the Bible how the Sabbath was given to the whole human race by God, thousands of years before the existence of the Jewish people. “Sabbath is not only for the Jews,” Wilson said. “It is a gift to people living in all ages.”

In explaining the rationale God had to bless and sanctify (set apart) a special day for human beings to remember His creative work and commune with Him, Wilson said that Sabbath rest also includes practical benefits. “God rested on the seventh day not because He was tired but because He knew we would be tired,” he emphasized. “Sabbath was given to our first parents, set aside at Creation because of God’s eternal love for all ages.”
Wilson emphasized that Sabbath has hidden in it a profound meaning for everyone who makes the decision to love God by keeping His commandments, including the seventh-day Sabbath. “Every Sabbath, we free ourselves from the stresses of life to enter a palace in time,” he said. “During the Sabbath, God bonds us as one humanity; we are one in Jesus Christ. The Sabbath is a sign that we worship Him exclusively, and that we love Him supremely.”
Tips for a Healthier Life
The May 25 program included the musical participation of internationally renowned singer Angela Brown and singer Charles Haugabrooks. It also included, as it had each day since May 21, a health and wellness segment led by Nancy Wilson and Ernestine Finley. On May 25, they discussed proper nutrition and provided suggestions for shoring up one’s defenses against disease by making wise food choices.
Citing recent scientific, peer-reviewed research, Nancy and Ernestine stated that those consuming the most plant protein have “33 percent reduced risk of death, 40 percent reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, and 28 reduced risk of cancer death.”

They discussed the importance of timing in daily meals, in what they called a scientific breakthrough. “When you eat is as essential as what you eat for maintaining an ideal weight, preventing some diseases, and living an energetic, longer, happier life,” they said.
Nancy and Ernestine also mentioned other relevant elements connecting nutrition to better health, including intermittent fasting, the importance of having a wholesome breakfast, and how meal planning is pivotal to making good nutrition choices. They even shared some recipes. “Some people think that healthy food is not tasty,” Nancy Wilson said. “But there are so many good, nutritious, and delicious recipes you can try. Options are endless.”
Connection to Pathway to Health
The evangelistic series comes on the heels of Pathway to Health, a free mega-clinic that took place in Indianapolis in April 2022. At the clinic, thousands of people received free, no-strings-attached medical care over several days. Many people attending the Adventist-sponsored clinic expressed a desire to know more about spiritual things, and several requested Bible studies. Those people were connected to local churches across the region, where they joined others to learn about the Bible before attending the current week of meetings, organizers said.
The evening evangelistic meetings will continue through Friday, May 27, and will culminate in morning and evening services on May 28. Mark Finley announced that the May 28 morning program will include a baptism ceremony for those who have completed the series of Bible studies and expressed a desire to be baptized or who once were baptized and drifted away but now are ready to recommit to the Lord. “It will be a spiritual feast,” he said.
Last updated May 27, 2022.