The North American Division (NAD) Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries (ACM) hosted its first ever ceremony in honor of Veterans Day entitled, “You Are Not Forgotten: A Salute to Veterans” on Sabbath (Saturday), November 10, 2018.
“We have gathered. We who have served, and those of you who endured while we served, have come today to recognize those who are still with us and those who are not,” said Paul Anderson, director/endorser of ACM.
“Some have described a veteran as someone who at some point in his or her life wrote to this country a blank check up to — and including — their very lives,” Anderson continued. “Others have suggested that these men and women in uniform or who have served in uniform serve as the fabric of security in which we live day by day, and the security blanket under which we sleep night by night.”
More than 200 people attended the Sabbath-afternoon program, which fell on the 242nd birthday of the United States Marine Corps, at the main auditorium of NAD headquarters in Columbia, Maryland. Those in attendance included servicemen and women from the five U.S. military services — Marine Corps, Army, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard. Each attending member of the military marched into the auditorium grouped according to their service. They saluted a ranking official and then received a commemorative coin that was struck for the occasion. Spouses, relatives, and supporters also came to express their gratitude for their service.
“My brothers, my sisters, we affirm you, we appreciate you,” Anderson said. “Welcome home. Thank you for your service.”
Faithful Service
For the ceremony’s design, each chair held a “Buddy Poppy,” the official memorial flower of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States. A table was set on the stage to remember prisoners of war (POWs).
Each element was intentionally placed and held a special meaning, according to organizers, including a white tablecloth that represented the purity of motives of those who served; a candle that represented the hope for the return of the serviceperson; and a Bible that represented the strength gained through faith.
A 95-year-old former POW from World War II was recognized for his bravery and service. Rothacker Smith was drafted in 1943 at age 20 to serve in the 92nd Infantry Division of the U.S. Army. His division was the only African-American infantry division to see combat in Europe during WWII. The following year, Smith’s division was sent to serve in the war’s Italian Campaign in the Tuscan region.
As a noncombatant medic, Smith accompanied fellow soldiers who operated machine guns. While he was stationed in a house across from a German line on Christmas day, he said, the Germans began shooting mortar shells. The following day the house was hit three times. Only 10 soldiers survived, including Smith, who was severely injured. While they were spared from the mortar shells, the remaining men were certain their mortality was near, he added.
“We knew Hitler declared ‘instant death’ for any black capture. They surrounded us for almost two whole days before they came in to pick us up. We knew we were going to be dead. There was no question that we were going to die,” Smith said.
Instead, the soldiers were marched on foot for four days before being loaded in a truck to be transported to a German prison camp. A month later, Smith said, he and other POWs from Allied countries were transferred to Germany. The POWs were freed by American troops three months later, on April 29, 1945.
“My advice to you, if you face death, get ready to die,” Smith said. He asked God to forgive his sins when he thought the Germans were going to execute him and his fellow survivors. Once he had peace that he was forgiven, he accepted his fate because, he said, he was eager to see Jesus. “It’s a beautiful thing when you’re ready.”
Honoring Exemplary Service
ACM leaders recognized four servicemen for their extraordinary service in their fields. The honorees included retired Sgt. 1st Class Joseph D. Anderson for his service to the Army during the Vietnam War, and his leadership as Ward Master for Male Orthopedics at the Fitzsimmons Army Medical Center in Denver, Colorado; Frank Damazo, MD, honored for 60 years of advocacy and mentoring for the White Coats, 2,300 soldiers who volunteered as human subjects in experiments from 1954 to 1973 to develop the science of defensive capabilities against biochemical warfare; and Brig. Gen. James Hammond, honored for his outstanding public service in the South Carolina National Guard and the U.S. state of Maryland as a minister, teacher, counselor, and highly decorated military leader.
Leaders also honored retired Col. Richard “Dick” Stenbakken, who helped establish Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries as its first director/endorser after becoming the first Seventh-day Adventist Chaplain to serve as a full colonel in the U.S. Army. Stenbakken was also the 13th Adventist chaplain to be assigned to active duty in the military; today, 104 Adventist chaplains serve on active duty in the uniformed services.
“You can’t possibly understand the thrill that’s in my heart,” Stenbakken said. “It’s been my pleasure to see the growth and expansion, [and] to enjoy seeing this church serve not only Adventists but many, many, many other faith groups as well.”
Remembering Staff Sgt. Stacey Mastrapa
A section of the program was dedicated to Staff Sgt. Stacey Mastrapa, who was killed in 2004 while serving in Iraq. Mastrapa’s mother, Nancy, attended the ceremony to accept an honor in his memory.
“It is our honor to appreciate the fortitude under which you bear the loss of your child and the character that you built within him,” Anderson said. “On behalf of the president of the North American Division, your grateful church, and Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries, it is my honor to present you with this [award] as an appreciation for your life, the life of your son, and your commitment to God and His church.”
“[Stacey] joined the army to keep us safe,” Nancy Mastrapa said in her response. “He believed in God and country. May his life and all others not be in vain. Thank you for recognizing our fallen heroes and for remembering our sacrifice. Let us pray for our country and the freedom we have. God bless America.”
Honoring Spouses
The ceremony concluded with a gracious acknowledgment of the men and women who support their loved ones who serve.
“We want to take this time … to salute and acknowledge the strength behind the veteran,” said Debra Anderson, wife of Paul Anderson. “ACM would like to give you a token of appreciation for all that you have done when you are home alone, when you’re raising the kids all by yourself.”
Spouses of military personnel in the audience were asked to stand to receive a gift, which was a white handkerchief with the embroidered message, “You are not forgotten.”
“We ask you just to keep it with you; you don’t have to use it … but [please know] that ACM appreciates you, as does the country. Thank you for your service.”
The original version of this story appears on the North American Division news site.