
Thousands of Local Pastors Trained Thanks to Online Program

In Inter-America region, leaders are intentional about supporting local church ministers.

Libna Stevens, Inter-American Division News, and Adventist Review
Thousands of Local Pastors Trained Thanks to Online Program

Thousands of local church pastors throughout the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Inter-American Division (IAD) took part in an online certification program streamed from the IAD headquarters in Miami, Florida, United States, on October 24, 2018. The event is the second part of a comprehensive certification program to better equip pastors as they shepherd the fast-growing churches across the territory.

“We want to reaffirm the great ministerial commitment to reach more souls amid the big challenges that the church faces in the modern world today,” said Josney Rodríguez, Ministerial Association secretary for IAD. The five-hour program highlighted the vision that Ministerial Association leaders have for the more than 3,200 pastors who lead in 22,000 churches and congregations across Inter-America.

“Our pastors must be properly equipped to tend to, disciple, and multiply congregations bursting with nearly 4 million members,” said Rodríguez. “Having an empowered and inspired team of leaders will help us move forward together in a pastoral leadership that will be more spiritual and Bible-based ministry closer to the church.”

Part of the comprehensive strategy of the department is to train its pastors and church elders to help shepherd the congregations more efficiently, said Rodríguez. Already, nearly 30,000 church elders have been undergoing a certification program since last year.

This online training for pastors follows 10 hours of training held regionally in each country and territory, added Rodríguez.

The online program includes topics on strengthening the church; challenges in evangelism; small groups and missionary couples’ ministry; managing resources; and more. In the live program, presenters also shared appreciation for the work of ministers who have been pastoring churches for decades.

The program is available to watch online on IAD’s webcast page.

Libna Stevens, Inter-American Division News, and Adventist Review

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