
The Call of the Cosmos Short Film Released in Time for Creation Sabbath

Adventist-promoted annual day to celebrate God’s creation to take place October 27.

Geoscience Research Institute, and Adventist Review
The Call of the Cosmos Short Film Released in Time for Creation Sabbath

A new film that presents striking features of the universe, a variety of scientific marvels, and personal stories in vivid videography will be released in time for Creation Sabbath on October 27, 2018. The Call of the Cosmos is the latest film produced by Illustra Media, which specializes in intelligent design movies. Creation Sabbath is a Seventh-day Adventist-promoted annual day that, organizers say, celebrates the wonder of God’s creation and what the marvels of the universe tell about Him.

Previous Illustra Media productions have included Living Waters, Flight, Metamorphosis, Origin, and other nature documentaries. Each of the films presents abundant evidence of design in nature. Several are available on the Geoscience Research Institute website in multiple languages.

The Call of the Cosmos features voices ranging from King David’s poetic observations recorded in the Psalms to Robert Jastrow, the well-known agnostic astronomer, who wrestles with the implications of what he and others discovered during his time at NASA, the Mt. Wilson Observatory, and Goddard Institute for Space Studies.

“There is so much that I enjoy about The Call of the Cosmos,” said Geoscience Research Institute senior scientist Timothy Standish, who worked as a scientific consultant on the film. “But I am particularly struck by the unity of opinion expressed by people with wide-ranging beliefs. From agnostics to Catholics to Protestant Christians, reasonable people can all agree that the current scientific understanding of our universe is strong evidence for a Creator. In addition, the world, along with the rest of the universe, is a masterpiece.”

A trailer of The Call of the Cosmos is available on the Illustra Media website. On the Creation Sabbath website, additional resources in multiple languages are provided for observance of Creation Sabbath, including short films, sermons, and items for use on social media.

Those wishing to join with others around the world celebrating Creation Sabbath are encouraged to join the live feed of a large celebration at the Berrien Springs Village Church in Michigan, United States. Access to the live streaming on October 27 is through the Geoscience Research Institute Facebook page.

Geoscience Research Institute, and Adventist Review
