
More Than 1,000 Baptized After Evangelistic Meetings in Chile

Despite cold, rainy weather, thousands attended the “In Search of Hope” series.

Ángela Arias, South American Division News
More Than 1,000 Baptized After Evangelistic Meetings in Chile

A week of wrap-up evangelistic meetings across Chile have so far resulted in over 1,000 baptisms, while many others have requested Bible studies. Under the motto “In Search of Hope,” meetings were held from June 10-17 in dozens of venues across the South American nation.

In the Coquimbo and Valparaíso region, members organized a “Caravan of Hope,” led by Chile Union Conference church region evangelist Luis Velásquez. In cities such as La Serena, Ovalle, San Antonio, San Felipe, Villa Alemana and Valparaiso, more than 300 people gathered every night to listen to evangelistic messages.

“June is a winter month in Chile, which usually makes organizing public meetings much more difficult,” said Velásquez at the end of the series in the capital city of Santiago. “Despite the rain and the cold weather, the church is used to doing evangelism, and by God’s grace, more than a thousand people gave their lives to Jesus through baptism.”

Velásquez said these results should encourage members to stay involved in evangelism. “We must keep working for Jesus Christ as we await His soon second coming,” he said.

Leaders of the Adventist Church in the central region of Santiago also took part in the special week as they shared the gospel in 28 church districts every evening. Their efforts resulted in over 200 baptisms, and unexpected blessings.

In the Quilicura region north of Santiago, evangelist Daniel Recuenco was the guest speaker in a venue where every one of his messages was interpreted into Haitian Creole. After the meetings, 17 people asked for baptism.

“We thank the Lord for the commitment of each missionary brother and sister,” said Recuenco, “and no doubt, to the local pastors who committed the first half of this year to do evangelism.”

Meanwhile, in the southern region of Santiago, more than 120 people were baptized during an evangelism week at La Cisterna Adventist School. There, more than 500 people gathered to listen to TV host Joel Flores’ messages every evening.

In Southern Chile, the “Caravan of Hope” paraded through several major cities inviting people to evangelistic meetings. During the wrap-up week, more than 1,000 people attended every evening to listen to evangelist and South American church region vice-president Bruno Raso.

“We continue to fulfill our mission of preaching the gospel as a witness to all nations,” said church leaders in the country. “We want Jesus to come soon.”

Ángela Arias, South American Division News

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