
In Australia, Conference Encourages Young Adults to Make Space for Jesus

“Make Space” event seeks to help Adventist youth find renewal and spiritual growth.

In Australia, Conference Encourages Young Adults to Make Space for Jesus

Over the weekend of June 18 to 20, 2021, more than 250 Seventh-day Adventist young adults gathered for a conference focused on faith, relationships, and finding their calling entitled “Make Space.” 

Organized by the South Queensland Conference (SQC) of the Adventist Church in Australia, the gathering was designed to encourage young people to make space in their lives and relationships for the Holy Spirit to work, based on the Bible passage Isaiah 54:1-3.

“Throughout the weekend, made possible by over 70 volunteers, we were challenged and empowered to step into a new season of spiritual growth and renewal,” Alina van Rensburg, Young Adult specialist on the SQC Church Support and Development Team, said.

The event was held at Life Church in South Brisbane on Friday night and Saturday (Sabbath), and at Victoria Park Golf Complex on Sunday, and was also livestreamed on Facebook and YouTube.


Lucy Dessington, a young health professional from Perth and the Growing Together project officer for Western Australia, was the keynote speaker for the weekend. She shared about the significance of acknowledging longings and losses and finding one’s song within brokenness. She also explained what it means to abide with Jesus and how a person can make space for purpose, worship, interruptions, and sacrifice as they make space for His kingdom.

“Lucy led us powerfully through the Word and invited us to experience God in new ways and to share the Good News of Jesus with those around us,” Van Rensburg said.

On Sunday, 85 leaders gathered for the annual Young Adult Leaders breakfast, including pastors, elders, and young adults from local churches around southern Queensland. Steven Argue, co-author of Growing With (Baker Books, 2019) and specialist in emerging adulthood and spirituality, provided the keynote presentation via Zoom from the United States for a live webinar.

In addition, the conference featured live interviews, panel discussions, and guys/girls breakout sessions, giving attendees ample opportunity to gain practical insights into their lives and purpose.

“I was involved in the praise and worship space as a singer at the Make Space conference,” Leila Davis, a worship leader from Refresh Seventh-day Adventist Church in Queensland, said. “A highlight of mine was the leadership breakfast on Sunday morning. It wasn’t even necessarily what I learned that struck a deep chord within me, but what I felt while being there: included, seen, empowered, and, indeed, like space had been made for me, and other young adults, to grow in knowledge, faith, and leadership.”

“I helped out with the organization of the program for the conference,” Kim Posala, a pastoral worker from Springwood Adventist church, said. “Seeing our paper run sheet come to life was the highlight for me, from the brilliant hosts and inspiring interviewees to the musical items and Lucy’s powerful messages—it was such a convicting weekend.”

The original version of the story was posted by Adventist Record.

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