
'I Knew of Thunder and Harvest Gods but Never Heard of Jesus'

Testimony: A newly baptized church member tells how she came to know about the Lord of the Sabbath in China.

'I Knew of Thunder and Harvest Gods but Never Heard of Jesus'

Editor’s note: Three people have been baptized after nine months of work by two female Seventh-day Adventist missionaries in a village in China. Twelve more people are attending weekly Bible studies. But the efforts to share Jesus are challenging. Many people are traditional and superstitious. Here is the firsthand account of one woman who was baptized.

, via Audrey Folkenberg, development department director, Chinese Union Mission


  • few months ago, two female missionaries moved to my village. They told me that they were Christians who believed in Jesus.

What is a Christian? Who is Jesus? I had never heard these terms before.

The missionaries rented a house and set up a place for meetings. They called it a church, explaining that it is a place to worship the Lord of the Universe. I knew of many gods, like the god of harvest and the god of thunder. But the name of Jesus was new to me.

The missionaries opened their Bible, sharing how the Earth, the Sun, the Moon and the rest of nature were created. They also told me that Jesus is coming to this world very soon, and that He will bring us to Heaven where there is no more death, natural disaster, and sorrow.

After spending time with these missionaries for a few months, I came to know that they are good people. They loved and cared for our villagers. After participating in their Bible study group for a few months, I understand the truth and decided to follow Jesus. He is the only God of the Universe.

We have worship in a house church every Sabbath. I guess it is very common for you to attend a church on the last day of the week. However, this practice was very strange to me. I had to fight for the privilege of worshiping the Creator every Sabbath.

My husband, a traditional Chinese farmer, believes in the god of the harvest. He disagreed with my religion, challenging the notion that Jesus could give him a good harvest. I did not want to bargain with him because I love him. The only thing I could do is to pray for him. The missionaries told me that the Holy Spirit would lead my husband and me.

When it was time for harvest, it was so hard for me to worship on Sabbaths. My husband needed me to reap his crops rather than to attend a church. But I really wanted to go to church on Sabbath!

On Sabbath morning, my church had a communion service planned. This would be my first time to experience this special event. Before leaving home for the church, I prepared myself and left quietly. I was worried that my husband would come to my church and bring me back to the farm.

When I left the house to get on my bike, my husband was standing there at the front door of our house. He hit and condemned me. He snatched my Bible and pushed over my bike.

I cried because I could not go to church. I prayed silently that the Holy Spirit would soften my husband’s heart.

Suddenly, a man called my husband to help him. His angry eyes stared at me as he went to lend a hand. I could go to my church and worship after all. I was so thankful for the opportunity to worship that Sabbath.

My husband is still very strong in his traditional beliefs. I have explained to him that I am not superstitious and that church is a good place for people to learn the truth. I tell him that Jesus always loves him, begging him to accept the real God who protects him.

He now allows me to go to church on Sabbath. During weekdays, I work hard to help him with his farm work. I continue to pray that my husband will understand me and someday come to accept Jesus.

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