
General Conference and North American Division Statement on Unity Discussion 

General Conference and North American Division leaders issue joint statement after day-long meeting

General Conference and North American Division Statement on Unity Discussion 

The General Conference officers and the officers and union presidents of the North American Division met on Thursday, January 19, to discuss unity in mission as it relates to church governance and women’s ordination. The group affirmed their commitment to Christ through the Holy Spirit, the 28 Fundamentals Beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, our prophetic end-time mission and worldwide church organization. After a candid and open discussion with frank interaction, the group agreed that there will be ongoing consultations to seek positive solutions to the challenging issues that the church faces.

It is our prayer that the church will move forward in unity and focus on mission to prepare the world for the soon return of our Lord.

General Conference Officers

Ted N. C. Wilson, President; G. T. Ng, Secretary; Juan Prestol-Puesan, Treasurer

North American Division Officers

Daniel R. Jackson, President; G. Alexander Bryant, Secretary; G. Thomas Evans, Treasurer

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