
​Elected GC Department Officers and Division Leaders

​Elected GC Department Officers and Division Leaders

General Conference Department Directors and Associate Directors

Children’s Ministries associate: Saustin Sampson Mfune (incumbent).

Communication associate directors: Andre D. Brink (incumbent), Garrett Caldwell (incumbent).

Education associate director: Julian Melgosa is a professor of Education and Psychology at Walla Walla University. He has a bachelor’s degree in Education and a master’s degree in Psychology, both from the University of Madrid. He also has a doctoral degree in Educational Psychology from Andrews University.

Education associate director: Hudson E. Kibuuka (incumbent).

Education associate director: Mike M. Lekic (incumbent).

Education associate director: John Wesley Taylor (incumbent).

Health Ministries associate director: Fred G. Hardinge (incumbent).

Health Ministries associate director: Katia Reinert, director of Health Ministries for the North American Division. Reinertis a family nurse practitioner and public health clinical nurse specialist with training in depression treatment and the integration of faith and health. Prior to accepting the call to serve as the Health Ministry director for NAD, she was the health ministry clinical supervisor and faith community nurse coordinator for Adventist HealthCare. Reinert holds a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Washington Adventist University, a Master of Science in Nursing from Catholic University of America, and a Ph.D. from the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing in Baltimore.

Health Ministries associate director: Zeno L. Charles-Marcel, MD, is vice president of Medical Affairs at Wildwood Lifestyle Center and Hospital in Georgia, United States. He has been a speaker with the WEIMAR Reversing Diabetes Seminars, worked at the Lifestyle Center of America, and has been involved in health evangelism in several countries. He currently also serves as interim director of International Health Center: Vida Sana, the lifestyle center at the La Carlotta Hospital in Montemorelos, Mexico.

Ministerial associates (all incumbents): Jonas Arrais, Elders, Deacons, Deaconesses, Retirees, Ministerial Resources, and editor of Elder’s Digest; Robert Costa, Evangelism and Church Growth; Willie Hucks II, associate editor of Ministry magazine; Anthony Kent, Continuing Education, PREACH; Derek Morris, editor of Ministry magazine.

Public Affairs and Religious Liberty associate director: Nelu Burcea, Communication, and Public Affairs and Religious Liberty director for Romanian Union Conference. Previously he was director of Hope Channel Romania. Burcea has two master’s degrees—one in Management and the second in Media and Marketing. He also holds a doctoral degree in Management from the Bucharest University of Economic Studies.

Public Affairs and Religious Liberty associate director: Dwayne O. Leslie (incumbent)

Planned Giving and Trust Services: Gary W. Dodge, director (incumbent, asked to serve until Annual Council). Chuck Simpson, associate director (incumbent, asked to serve until Annual Council). Wilfredo Sumagaysay, associate director (incumbent, asked to serve until Annual Council).

Publishing director: Almir Mauricio Marroni has been serving as a vice president for the South American Division since his appointment to the position in November 2011. He has spent 28 years in publishing work leadership in various levels in South America. Marroni holds a bachelor’s degree in Theology from the Adventist University of Sao Paulo, and has been pursuing postgraduate studies in marketing and business administration at SPEI in Curitiba, Brazil. His wife, Wiliane, is Women’s Ministries director of the South American Division.

Publishing Ministries associate director: Wilmar Hirle (incumbent).A second Publishing Ministries associate position is still vacant.

Sabbath School and Personal Ministries associate director: Ramon Canals is vice president for Hispanic Ministries and director of the Ministerial Department for North Pacific Union Conference. Previously he served as an evangelist and coordinator for the Hispanic work and an associate Ministerial director in the Oregon Conference. He holds a master’s in Divinity and a doctorate in Ministry from Andrews University.

Secretary associates: John Thomas, Gary Krause, Karen Porter (all incumbents).

Stewardship: Erika Puni, director (incumbent, asked to serve until Annual Council). Larry Evans, associate director (incumbent, asked to serve until Annual Council). Mario Nino, associate director (incumbent, asked to serve until Annual Council).

Treasury associate: Delbert B. Pearman, has served as Planning director for General Conference Adventist Mission since 2010. He previously worked in the GC Information Systems Services and as secretary-treasurer for the Bermuda Conference. A Treasury associate position is still vacant.

Women’s Ministries associate: Raquel Arrais (incumbent).

Youth Ministries associates: Jonaton Tejel, (incumbent). Pako E. Mokgwane, director of Communication, Stewardship Ministries, and Youth Ministries for the Botswana Union Conference. Jiwan S. Moon, associate director (incumbent, asked to serve until Annual Council).

Division Secretaries and Treasurers

East-Central Africa Division (ECD): Alain G. Coralie, associate secretary for ECD. Jerome Habimana (incumbent).

Euro-Asia Division (ESD): Viktor V. Alyeksyeyenko, president of Ukrainian Union Conference. Brent B. Burdick (incumbent).

Inter-European Division (EUD): Barna Magyarosi, Education and Family Ministries director for the Inter-European Division. Norbert G. Zens (incumbent).

Inter-American Division (IAD): Elie Henry (incumbent). Filiberto M. Verduzco-Avila (incumbent).

North American Division (NAD): G. Alexander Bryant (incumbent); G. Thomas Evans (incumbent).

Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD): Position of secretary to be filled at Annual Council. German Lust, vice president for Finance, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies (AIIAS).

South American Division (SAD): Edward Heidinger Zevallos, president of North Peru Union Mission. Marlon de Souza Lopes (incumbent).

Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division (SID): Solomon Maphosa (incumbent). Goodwell Nthani (incumbent).

South Pacific Division (SPD): Lionel H. Smith (incumbent). Rodney G. Brady (incumbent).

Southern Asia-Pacific Division (SSD): Saw Samuel (incumbent). Max W. Langi, undertreasurer of SSD.

Southern Asia Division (SUD): Measapogu Wilson, president of East-Central India Union Section. Position of treasurer to be filled at Annual Council.

Trans-European Division (TED): Audrey E. Andersson (incumbent). Nenad Jepuranovic (incumbent).

West-Central Africa Division (WAD): Kingsley C. Anonaba, director of Evangelism, director of Global Mission, and associate director of Sabbath School and Personal Ministries for the Eastern Nigeri
a Union Conference. Emmanuel S. D. Manu (incumbent).

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