
Clifford Goldstein Addresses "Dangers from Within" During Spring Meetings

Full video of his devotional message available for viewing

Clifford Goldstein

From April 9-10, 2019, the members of the Executive Committee of the Seventh-day Adventist Church convened at the church headquarters in Silver Spring, Maryland, United States, for Spring Council, one of the two annual business meetings of the denomination. On both mornings, before the business agenda for the day started, committee members dedicated time to sing, pray and listen to a biblical presentation. The guest speaker for the April 9 presentation was Adult Bible Study Guide editor Clifford Goldstein. Goldstein, who grew up a secular Jew in Florida, United States, accepted the Adventist message in his early 20’s and has now worked at the church headquarters for 35 years as an editor of various church magazines. Goldstein has authored hundreds of articles and multiple books on religious liberty, prophetic interpretation, and creation vs. evolution, among other topics. Below is an unedited video version of his presentation, entitled, “The Dangers from Within.” —Editors

Clifford Goldstein

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