
Appeal Dismissed, Ending Lawsuit Against La Sierra University and Church

A news release from the North American Division.


Editor’s note: The following is a news release from the North American Division that is of interest to Adventist Review readers.

A lawsuit brought against La Sierra University, the Pacific Union Conference, and the North American Division (NAD) of Seventh-day Adventists by three university employees has been dismissed by the plaintiffs prior to their appeal being heard by the California State Court of Appeals.

On March 5, 2014, California Superior Court Judge Edward Webster granted summary judgment in favor of La Sierra University and the other defendants by dismissing the claims of the three university staff members who resigned in 2011.

By the three plaintiffs dismissing their appeal, the case is ended with Judge Webster’s ruling, dismissing the case, becoming final. The plaintiffs were not paid any money to dismiss the appeal.

“We are grateful that this lawsuit has ended and that the church and La Sierra University can focus all of our attention and resources to the quality education of our students,” said Daniel Jackson, president of the North American Division.

Daniel Jackson; Larry Blackmer, NAD vice president for education; and Ricardo Graham, president of the Pacific Union of Seventh-day Adventists; were also named as defendants in the lawsuit.

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