Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, witnessed a heartwarming display of compassion and unity when the Seventh-day Adventist youth, in collaboration with other like-minded individuals, organized a community service event that sought to assist people confronting difficult circumstances. The initiative was conducted by the Phu Nhuan Youth Association, which organized a cooking program and distributed 250 servings of nourishing porridge along with missionary books to workers and the homeless.
The event, which took place on July 8, not only provided essential nourishment to those in need but also served as a symbol of hope and community unity. The Phu Nhuan Youth is a group of young people who are devoted to spreading compassion throughout the community through various means. Even though they lacked the necessary funds to organize this community campaign, the Phu Nhuan Youth Association continued to plan and solicit help from various groups and individuals who wished to join them in this endeavor. In the end, they were able to raise 5,683,000 Vietnamese Dong (about US$240), which covered the entire cost of the community initiative.
“The success of this community service project would not have been feasible without the generosity and support of numerous contributors who shared the same advocacy and passion for assisting others,” event organizers said.

The Adventist youth of Phu Nhuan Youth extended their deepest gratitude to the generous individuals and organizations whose contributions made this community service event possible. “Together, your unwavering support and commitment have instilled hope and positively affected the lives of a great number of people,” they said.
The Adventist youth’s successful community service event in Ho Chi Minh City not only aided the vulnerable but also inspired a greater number of church members to engage in personal and public outreach initiatives. According to church leaders, it is an example of Total Member Involvement (TMI), an initiative of the world church to get every member involved in sharing the love and the message of Jesus. The initiative “demonstrates the transformative power of compassion and unity, as the church community works together to have a positive impact on both individual lives and society as a whole,” they said.
The event has inspired increased church member participation in both the church and local community, nurturing a culture of compassion, unity, and active participation, leaders added. “Church members were inspired to witness how simple acts of kindness can create a ripple effect in the lives of people who have received it. They were reminded that these acts of kindness are a reminder that we are God’s extension of love to the world,” leaders said.
At the culmination of the service, organizers said they are seeking to find more ways to express kindness and compassion to the community through upcoming initiatives. They also expressed gratitude to a higher power. “We thank God for His presence and guidance throughout this undertaking,” they said.
The original version of this story was posted on the Southern Asia-Pacific Division news site.