
Adventist Young People Prepare Toiletry Kits for Los Angeles Homeless

The community outreach takes place on the sidelines of a three-day prayer conference.

Adventist Young People Prepare Toiletry Kits for Los Angeles Homeless

, communication director, North American Division

Young people took time out of a Just Claim It prayer conference to assemble toiletry kits that will distribute to homeless shelters in the greater Los Angeles area.

Conference attendee Brandi Carter holding a toiletry kit. (Melody George / NAD)

More than 800 young people traveled from across the United States and Canada to take part in the Feb. 18-20 conference sponsored by the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s North American Division in Ontario, California.

The conference, titled “World Changers,” challenges teens and young adults to make a difference in the world, even if it is only the small corner they represent.

The toiletry kits are made up of soap, shampoo, toothpaste, mouthwash, razors, shaving cream, laundry soap, and lotion. Conference organizers are working with local homeless shelters to distribute the more than 1,000 kits assembled by the volunteers.

“Teaching our young people about the importance of making a difference in the world is a significant part of this conference,” said James Black, youth director for the North American Division.

“God has greatly blessed us, and it is our responsibility to share that blessing with others,” he said. “Jesus served the less fortunate in this world, and we are called to do the same.”

The conference continues through Saturday. To view the events via live stream visit

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