Kenya-based Adventist University of Africa (AUA) celebrated its 10th anniversary with two days of festivities attended by two Seventh-day Adventist world church presidents.
Ted N.C. Wilson, president of the Adventist Church since 2010, and Jan Paulsen, who served as president from 1999 to 2010, joined hundreds of people in congratulating AUA and giving glory to God at the event in Nairobi on Oct. 28 and 29.
“I commend you to the Word of God, impress it upon our people. Through it, you will know Christ, right from wrong, and experience the power of His resurrection.”
Wilson, in a Sabbath sermon, urged AUA to be intent in proclaiming the soon return Christ. He challenged the congregation to make God’s Word the foundation of all they do while waiting to declare “this is the God we have been waiting for” upon Christ’s Second Coming.
Paulsen set the pace for the weekend by giving an exposition on the armor of God and the need to put it on during Friday evening vespers.
“I commend you to the Word of God,” he said. “Impress it upon our people. Through it, you will know Christ, right from wrong, and experience the power of His resurrection.”
Matthew Bediako, who served as world church secretary when AUA opened in 2006, wrapped up the celebrations on Sabbath evening with a message themed, “Who dares to despise the days of small beginnings?”
Bediako said that the idea of AUA was planted by God Himself long before the university opened a decade ago and underscored that AUA was developed to help the gospel reach all of Africa.
Bediako also encouraged the students to keep Christ first.
“Degrees are important, but degrees do not win souls,” he said. “We need dedicated pastors who are sold to the mission of the church, those who love lost souls.”
He passionately finished by saying: “The best times are ahead of us. God will use AUA to spread the gospel.”
Congratulatory messages were given by various church entities, including the East-Central Africa Division, other Adventist universities within the division, Hope Channel International, Middle East University, Maxwell Adventist Academy, ADRA-Africa, Advent Hill Primary School, and the three church conferences in Kenya.
Special tribute was given to those who helped spearhead and develop AUA: Robert Lemon, Brempong and Mabel Owusu-Antwi, Blasious Ruguri, Chiemela Ikonne, Ellah Kamwendo, Geoffrey Mbwana, Gerry Karst, Gideon Mutero, Hudson Kibuuka, Jan Paulsen, Luka Daniel, Matthew Bediako, Pardon Mwansa, Roy Ryan, Samson Getui, and Werner and Nancy Vyhmeister.
Students thanked AUA for training them to serve God and others in Africa.