
Adventist Church in Spain Appeals for Peace and Brotherhood

Official statement released after events in the Catalonia region.

Spanish Union Conference Communication
Adventist Church in Spain Appeals for Peace and Brotherhood

The Spanish Union Conference region of the Seventh-day Adventist Church has released an official statement condemning any manifestation of violence and advocates for respect, peace, and love. Below is the full text of the statement.

In the face of a growing climate of confrontation in the Catalonia region and recent events there, the Spain Union Conference would like to express its concern and to make an appeal to the brotherhood of believers and unbelievers alike. No matter their ideology, all are called to embrace the Christian Gospel perspective, which implies respect, peace, and charity as embodied by our example and living hope Jesus Christ.

We expressly disassociate ourselves from any position or political slogan, and we reject any use of this statement along with any party’s lines.

That being said, it is impossible not to witness the social reality and become aware of the need for the reconciliation that society requires. Thus, we condemn any violence, in any of its forms, wherever it may come from, and we pray for social, emotional, and spiritual restoration and health. We cannot, and we do not want to identify ourselves with any movement or expression which may be used to feed hatred among brothers and sisters, citizens, and people.
We acknowledge that solutions to any conflict can only come from God, whose soon Second Coming we long for to put a definitive end to any division, confrontations, and the pain that as human beings we constantly experience on this earth.

Even though we are pilgrims on our way to a better country, the heavenly one (Hebrews 11:13-16), we acknowledge our Christian responsibility as advocates for peace in any place we are placed (Matthew 5:9). We strive to be agents of light in every forum and channel for justice, assistance, and hope to our neighbor, no matter who that person is or what he or she may stand for (John 13:35).

We make Jesus’ prayer ours (John 17:6-26), set our eyes on Him, and we call upon Seventh-day Adventist members to avoid foolish disputes (2 Timothy 2:23). We call them to remember their unity in Christ (Ephesians 2:11-22), as they daily renew their new identity in Jesus Christ (Philippians 3:28).

May the Lord help us to speak with His words of reconciliation, forgiveness, and love.

Spanish Union Conference Communication

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