
Hidden In Weakness

Grace comes to us in cloak of weakness, but He is powerfully, immeasurably strong

Hidden In Weakness

Do not be deceived by the seeming helplessness of grace. That Child who sleeps so peacefully will one day rule the nations with an iron scepter. Those tiny fingers, curling ‘round His mother’s hand, will soon enough bring healing, strength, and new vitality to thousands. Lifelong diseases will be ended; addictions will be thrown into the ocean’s depths. Children will all run to have His blessing, while the greedy and unscrupulous will flee the corded whip He wields. And soon enough, those hands, once pierced with nails, will gather millions of the world’s broken to unending joy. Grace comes to us in cloak of weakness, but He is powerfully, immeasurably strong. So stay in Christ, and stay in grace.

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