

Jesus was the grace of God incarnate, for grace invariably moves toward those who hurt and grieve and sin.


It would have been grace enough if God the Father had executively announced from heaven’s throne that He was commuting our sentences and opening all prison doors. That would have been the very definition of unimaginable and unmerited favor. But that His Son should condescend to crawl into our hovels, be one of us, experience our dirt and pain, and taste the worst of weakness and of cruelty, is more than we dared ask or think. Grace took on flesh and bone, and all the drudgery and mystery of being human, in hope of bonding us forever to the Father. Jesus was the grace of God incarnate, for grace invariably moves toward those who hurt and grieve and sin. Christ passed through our last portal—death—to open up the door to heaven’s deathless throne room. Now He has sat down again at the right hand of the Father, awaiting grace’s final chapter, when He says we will share His glory and His throne. Oh, stay in grace!

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