Simulated Adventist Health Fair Trains Church Volunteers in Brazil
Learning the routine is preparing local members to reach out and serve the community.
‘Antenna Hunters’ Go Door to Door Introducing Viewers to Adventist TV
The project in northeastern Brazil is increasing the reach of the Adventist network.
Lay-led Foundation in Chile Aims to Help People Overcome Alcohol and Other Drug Addictions
La Fundación Pasos de Esperanza includes natural treatments and spiritual support.
ADRA Assists Indigenous Community Embracing Venezuelan Refugees
Hundreds in distress are crossing the border into Brazil.
Millennial Professionals Get Training as Family Health Consultants
In Brazil, project combines traditional canvassing with healthy living education.
Young People in Brazil Collect Donations for Venezuelan Refugees
Youth Bible study group impressed to go out and assist newcomers.
Paraguay Pathfinders Speak Indigenous Language to Reach the Community
Work among local teens is being celebrated, supported by the national government.
Visually Impaired Pathfinder Leader Is Knot-Tying Expert in Brazil
Amilton dos Santos Cerqueira shows perseverance, goes beyond what eyes can see.
Pathfinder Club Trains in Sign Language to Cater to Deaf Members
Brazil’s Maranata Club includes a sign language interpreter and sign language courses.
South America Kicks Off Pathfinder Camporees for 100,000 People
Held in Brazil, the effort includes two consecutive events with about 50,000 people at each one.