Una adolescente acumula 1,2 millones de seguidores con publicaciones sobre Jesús y la Biblia
La cuenta de Tik Tok de Jey Reis actualmente tiene 23,5 millones de ‘Me gusta’.
Teenager Amasses 1.2 Million Followers With Posts on Jesus and the Bible
Jey Reis’s TikTok account currently has 23.5 million likes.
In Brazil, Pathfinders Stage Drive-in Celebration of Their World Day
The event gathered dozens of cars at the regional airport.
Adventist Taxi Driver Helps Save Dozens of COVID-19 Patients
In Peru, cabbie provides emergency oxygen canisters to those who desperately need them.
Una canción constante en el corazón
Cada Sábado por la tarde, justo antes de la puesta del sol, la gente de mi pueblo sale a la ventana para entonar un himno...
En un disfraz con forma de corazón, una maestra adventista visita a sus alumnos tristes
En Brasil, el ejemplo de Milena Morais ha encantado e inspirado a su clase.
Physician Thanks God, Adventist Radio for Second Chance at Life
In Peru, Daniel Quispe Mamani is grateful he has defeated COVID-19 and depression.
First Adventist Church in Brazil Turns 125
Now we can find out what happened in the past to inform our actions in the present
Keeping a Song in My Heart
Every Sabbath afternoon, just before sunset, people in my small town stand in the entrance of their homes to sing a hymn....
In a Heart-Shaped Costume, Adventist Teacher Visits Her Heartsick Students
In Brazil, Milena Morais’s example has thrilled and inspired her class.