Southern Adventist University Trains AI Model to Classify Dinosaur Teeth
Deep learning system is helping researchers analyze and classify findings.
Hurricane Helene Assistance Triggers Community Connections with ACS
In parts of southern United States, church members are helping their neighbors with recovery.
First Album Release Is a Milestone in AdventHealth’s Musical Journey
Imagine Wholeness’ reinforces the promise to help people feel whole, leaders say.
Audiology Van Gives Free Hearing Tests at 2024 Health Care Equity Fair
Event in Portland, Oregon, helps bring health care to underserved residents.
Andrews University Recognized for Continued Creation Care Efforts
School named an affiliate member of the Higher Education Climate Leadership Network.
Andrews University Team to Present at NASA Pitch Competition
Project addresses drone delivery challenges in underserved rural areas.
AdventHealth Gifts Painting of Charles E. Bradford, First NAD President
Leaders unveiled the work of art at the regional year-end meeting in November
NAD Administrators’ Conference Unites Leaders to Shape Future of the Church
North American Division event seeks to chart a new path for the years ahead.
Guideposts on the Footpath to Peace
What three small church schools in Colorado reveal about Adventist education.
A Simple Tract Can Help Transform Lives, Literature Ministry Leader Says
Messages of hope and wholeness are always welcome, especially around the holidays.