Free Clinic Addresses Oral Health Care Needs in Native Communities
In Arizona, United States, Adventist volunteers meet the need of vulnerable populations.
With Religious Freedom Under Threat, Is There a Way Forward?
Seventh-day Adventist advocates are working to protect this vital human right within a culture that has grown skeptical of many religious freedom claims.
A New Commandment
Jesus invites us to live a life that faithfully points to Him and mirrors Him.
First Jewish Adventist Camp Meeting and New Jewish Studies Degree Debut
In southern U.S., first gathering highlights biblical and cultural elements of Judaism.
How to Be a Wellness Warrior
At Union College, a wellness program is changing students, faculty, and staff.
In the U.S., Adventist Community Services Provides Help for the Holiday
Almost 1,000 families in Maryland receive Thanksgiving meals before the festivity.
In the U.S., Local Church Teens Host Summit for Stopping Gun Violence
Seventeen-year-old organizer says she wants to use the initiative to reach others for Christ.
1888 and the Matchless Charms of Christ
We are often unable to think outside the parameters that someone has laid at the beginning of a discussion.