Why the Idea of Materialism Refutes Itself
The idea that reality is only materialistic refutes the idea of non-materialistic consciousness. In other words, merely thinking about materialism refutes it.
Who Should I Marry?
Pithy and practical counsel from Scripture and psychology on finding a compatible spouse.
Our Primary Calling
Of all professed Christians, what message should Seventh-day Adventists be foremost in uplifting?
The Sandwich Reality
The Sandwich Generation, one that cares for aging parents as well as young adult children, has unique challenges as well as opportunities.
The Eternal Binary
Whether its eternal binaries or eternal destinies, there’s no middle ground and a choice must be made.
Twelve Legions and Divine Power
Meditations on the power of God - 13.32 billion times to be exact.
The Surfing Fly
Church needs to be a safe place, a place of nurture and acceptance. A place we feel seen, known, accepted, and loved.
Politics, Liberty, and the Christian Vote
As the U.S presidential election draws near, consider these principles when selecting a candidate.
Through the Eyes of the Broken
A missionary nurse shares her account from the frontlines of the field.
The Importance of Prophecy
If helping prepare people for the apocalypse is not part of expressing love, what is?