The Sacred Space of Family Time
Modern phone interruptions parallel “money changers in the temple,” where commercial interests invaded sacred space.
From the Brink of Death
Medical missionaries relay a distressing account about a six-year-old boy.
Rome in Prophecy
Like it not, we can’t proclaim the three angels’ messages without warning about Rome.
Ten Essential Principles for the Christian Voter
Ten principles for how thoughtful Christians can interact with politics.
Why the Idea of Materialism Refutes Itself
The idea that reality is only materialistic refutes the idea of non-materialistic consciousness. In other words, merely thinking about materialism refutes it.
Who Should I Marry?
Pithy and practical counsel from Scripture and psychology on finding a compatible spouse.
Our Primary Calling
Of all professed Christians, what message should Seventh-day Adventists be foremost in uplifting?