Un aumento de posibilidades
Un diálogo por videoconferencia involucró a líderes, abogados y miembros de iglesia.
18 Weeks Helping Thousands to Eat, Develop, and Thrive
ADRA is active in Romania, offering food, information, awareness, and counseling.
Expanding Possibilities
Video conference discussion involved church leaders, advocates, and members.
She Needed a Job, ADRA Gave Her Much More
In Russia, a seamstress works with the humanitarian agency to assist her community.
Escuela adventista obtiene el mejor resultado individual en 30 años
Una estudiante graduanda obtuvo las calificaciones más altas en las 22 materias mencionadas en su diploma.
El amor, el temor y las conversaciones difíciles
No quiero verme motivada por el temor de las opiniones y reacciones de los demás.
Adventist School Gets Best Individual Result in 30 Years
One graduating student received top grades in all 22 subjects listed on her diploma.
The County Council, a Synagogue, the Rotary Club, and an Indian Restaurant
In England, Adventist member’s idea triggers an unlikely partnership that is feeding thousands.