Hope Camp in Germany Connects and Inspires Adventist Families and Friends
Event takes place under the motto, “Create Leisure Time, Make Friends, Discover Faith.”
Regional Rise UP 2024 Youth Congress Meets in Croatia
400 young people retreat to an idyllic setting of mountains, meadows and streams.
Italy Leaders Inaugurate Center for Neurocognitive Disorders and Dementia
New services are part of Adventist nursing home connection to its community.
Across Spain, Bible Exhibition Is Drawing Thousands to God’s Word
ExpoBiblia has taken Bible stories and teachings to life in scores of cities and towns.
Adventists Participate as Chaplains in the 2024 Olympic Games
They are playing an important role assisting athletes seeking spiritual support.
Albanian Mission Thrives with Volunteer Partnership
“I’m sure it was God who placed Albania in my heart.”
Sagunto Adventist College Celebrates 50 Years of Wholistic Education
School in Spain remembers its past as it commits to continue “Educating for Eternity.”
European Adventist Librarians Find Collaboration, Knowledge in Germany
Conference focused on how to strengthen Adventist libraries across Europe.
Adventists Open a Faith-based Cancer Hospital in Romania
Church leaders hope the facilities can help share a message of wholistic healthy living.