Jesus is the Way
Jesus is interested in a relationship with us, not just a legal arrangement based on facts.
The Source of Life
The choice towards this abundant life, rooted in a spiritually rich relationship with God, is the first step toward the eternal life we seek.
The Identity of Jesus
Faith is not built in simply accepting His identity. Faith is built in finding our identity in Him.
To Believe or Not to Believe, That Is the Question
Thomas was a loyal yet pessimistic disciple.
Intuiting Jesus
Christ performed miracles not to prove Himself, but to nourish faiths already existent.
From the Honor of Wells to the Water of Life
Because we don’t know who Christ is, we are satisfied with temporal water while in the presence of living water—we settle for the gifts while in the very presence of the gift Giver.
If You Don’t Know Me by Now
The reason why mature members and seasoned saints miss Jesus is because He is around us but not in us.
When God Turns on the Lights
Our greatest challenge is not just realizing that we are blind, but learning to get used to living in the light.
If You Could Ask God One Question
Students on the campus of MIT are asked, “What is the meaning of life?”
Signs and Wonders
How simple acceptance of Jesus' word is a greater sign than miracles and wonders in the last days.