Know Your Enemy
Jesus is the one who protects sinners, transforms us into saints, and provides every resource to make us victorious.
Am I in the Way?
If I'm honest with myself, I stepped off the sidewalk not just to avoid physical contact, but to avoid being engaged.
Five Levels of Personal Peace
While no ultimate peace exists in this world, we are invited to enter this spiritual realm in our Christian walk.
The Source of Holy Boldness
My sentences were studded with the language of obligation: “should,” “ought,” and “must.”
Volunteering Can Save Your Life
Consider this statement made by Jesus long before social science was a discipline.
A Parent's Love
After the first humans defected they experienced for the first time what God Himself experienced: parenthood.
Time Well Spent
"Heavenly Father, when you close the day, may al we have done please you."
The Church I Want to Belong to Is . . . Healthy
There’s no ultimate value in merely living longer if we aren’t also living better.
For Such a Time as This
Some see society's descent into chaos as inevitable signs of Christ's return.