Maranatha Crews Celebrate Return to Building Churches and Schools in Peru
As pandemic-related restrictions are eased, construction plans are moving forward.
The Psychology of Vaccine Hesitancy
Can the church help? Some tips on how to converse with those who speak against COVID-19 vaccination.
AdventHealth Team Members Honor Victims, Survivors of COVID-19
White, blue, and green flags help the community mark the pandemic’s first anniversary.
COVID-19 Shaming and Social Media — A Dangerous Combination
Child and adolescent psychiatrist says empathy can help even when we disagree.
Partnership with Black Churches Increases COVID-19 Vaccine Delivery
In U.S. county, initiative is set to make a difference among historically at-risk population.
‘Hang in There a Little Longer,’ Mental Health Expert Advises
COVID-19 vaccine rollout has brought new anxieties, but we shouldn't despair, he says.
Let’s Not Waste the Pandemic
One year into our current world health crisis, it may be the time to ask “what,” not “why.”
Pandemic Footprint Blesses Post-COVID Era Way of Life
In the U.S. Rocky Mountain region, leaders and members share how the pandemic has changed them.