Ellen White Among Most-Read Authors in Brazil
A new survey indicates that the distribution of Adventist literature is bearing fruit in South America.
Adventists Place Special Focus on Disabled People and Orphans This Sabbath
April 23 is designated Special Needs Day by the Adventist world church.
Brain Tumor Brings Immigrant to Jesus
Paolo Moyani didn’t initially want to attend the Adventist church in Virginia.
My 11-Year-Old Son Leads Drunken Man to Jesus in Mexico
A short-term mission trip shows no obstacle is too big for God.
An Undeserved Gift
He held out the fancy box of perfume. I was confused. Was it meant for me?
A Sick Baby, a Cuban Plane Crash, and an Unexpected Answer to Prayer
A young family wanted to flee Cuba for the United States. They almost didn’t make it.
Adventists File Lawsuit Against U.S. City for Banning Literature Evangelism
The legal action comes after the Arkansas city refuses to allow Adventist students to share their beliefs.
Take the 10-Day Prayer Challenge
The keys that changed the course of Daniel’s captivity could change ours in the 10 Days of Prayer.
A Miraculous Day Selling Adventist Literature in the Middle East
Testimony: The young man told us: “This book says that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. As Muslims we do not believe this.”
When a Student Prayed With a Weeping Office Worker
Remarkable stories emerge from southern California after 67 students participate in the Youth Rush literature evangelism program.