
Kicked Out of Church!

“Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to those who love him” (James 1:12).

Cindy Tutsch
Kicked Out of Church!

As a teenager, Ellen Harmon (White) was worried that she was not ready for Jesus to come. William Miller and others preached enthusiastically about Jesus’ soon return (Second Advent). And although young Ellen was excited by the thought of His coming, she was concerned that Jesus had not forgiven her sins.

For three weeks Ellen could hardly eat or sleep, and her worries deepened. One night during this state of despair, Ellen had a dream in which she met Jesus. He was so kind and loving that she wanted to stay in His presence forever. Ellen then understood that she could reach out to Jesus anytime, and that He would hear her prayers and accept her. Ellen had never been so happy!

At the next meeting with other Advent believers, Ellen stood up and gave her testimony about the peace that Jesus had given her. Many were amazed that Ellen, who had previously been shy and quiet, could speak so openly of her love for Jesus and her belief in Christ’s soon coming.

Back at her old church, though, most people were unhappy about Ellen’s testimony. When she spoke about Jesus’ coming, some people coughed on purpose so that others wouldn’t hear her. A few even scooted their chairs around so that their backs were to Ellen!

Church elders even urged Ellen and her family to quit talking about Jesus’ second coming. But Ellen determined not to abandon her faith. She loved Jesus with all her heart, and she longed for Him to come and take her to heaven. Her depression was gone, and her spiritual life had completely changed.

Not long after this, the minister of her church came to visit the Harmon family. He told them sternly that if they did not stop speaking of Jesus’ second coming, they could not be members any longer. When the Harmon family said their beliefs were in the Bible and that they would not abandon them, the church called a trial. The following Sunday the church elder read off the names of the Harmon family and announced that they were no longer members.

The family found a text that seemed to be written just for them, and they continued to witness joyfully about Christ’s second coming. You can find their special text in Isaiah 66:5.


What would you be willing to do to stand up for God?

How can we support and encourage those who face hard times for being loyal to God?

Cindy Tutsch
