North America

‘It Is Written’ Will Launch Alaska Evangelism and Mission Trip

North American Division ministry is poised to reach cities and rural communities.

Christine Magnuson and Cassie Matchim Hernandez, It Is Written
‘It Is Written’ Will Launch Alaska Evangelism and Mission Trip
The It Is Written Alaska team poses for a group photo, ahead of the evangelistic series that kicks off on April 5. [Photo: It Is Written]

This spring, It Is Written will conduct a mission trip and evangelistic campaign in Alaska, United States, culminating in the Revelation Today: Hope for Humanity series. At the end of March, a mission team of 70 volunteers will serve in Anchorage, the largest city in Alaska, and Bethel, the largest rural community. The evangelistic series begins April 5. The events are held in partnership with the Adventist Medical Evangelism Network (AMEN) and the Alaska Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.

John Bradshaw, It Is Written president, shared his excitement for the campaign. “It Is Written exists for the purpose of sharing the gospel,” Bradshaw said. “We’re thrilled to be collaborating with the churches in Alaska. We have met many pastors and church members who are enthusiastic about what is taking place. The two mission teams are going to do a great work for God, and we are trusting that the evangelistic meetings will reach many souls with the message for this time.”

The Revelation Today: Hope for Humanity series, to be held from April 5 to May 4, will be a Christ-centered Bible prophecy series led by John Bradshaw and Wes Peppers, It Is Written evangelism director. Eight churches in Anchorage are working together to host the series, with a livestream being offered to more churches across the state.

In preparation for the series, It Is Written has held training events for local churches, teaching pastors and members how to effectively reach their community. “We’ve been helping to shape the culture there for mission and evangelism for more than a year,” Peppers said. “The evangelistic meetings are the culmination of that. As a result of our long-term training, the churches will be better equipped to continue the work that’s been started.” 

The Revelation Today campaign will follow a large-scale mission effort in Anchorage and Bethel to offer free medical, vision, and dental care to the community. “AMEN has a well-established clinical process but wanted to scale up its evangelistic efforts. We’ve been wanting to increase our medical footprint, so this was a natural partnership,” Peppers said. 

The Anchorage clinic will offer medical, vision, and dental care. The Bethel clinic will also offer medical care, but will primarily focus on mental health, including consultations, depression and anxiety education, and professional counseling. Each clinic visitor will be invited to attend the series and receive Bible studies.

It Is Written is planning a mission project for next year in the Columbia Union Conference, the ministry leaders said.

It Is Written is a ministry of the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.

The original version of this story was posted on the It Is Written blog.

Christine Magnuson and Cassie Matchim Hernandez, It Is Written

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