
Adventist Hospital Pioneers Government Health Initiative in the Philippines

Health-care institution now offers free medical services to the community.

Rhoen Catolico, Southeastern Philippine Union Mission, Southern Asia-Pacific Division

Adventist Hospital Pioneers Government Health Initiative in the Philippines
Adventist Hospital Davao administrators, PhilHealth representatives, and special guests participate in the ribbon-cutting ceremony in Davao, Philippines on August 5. [Photo: Adventist Hospital Davao]

Under the Universal Healthcare Law, or Republic Act 11223, Adventist Hospital Davao (AHD) officially launched the “Konsulta” (Doctor’s Appointment) Package Program with a ribbon-cutting ceremony at the AHD Consultation Center on August 5. Jonathan Casio, an experienced hospital administrator and ordained Adventist pastor, presided over the ceremony.

AHD is the first among 12 Adventist hospitals in the Philippines and the second in the Davao region to implement PhilHealth’s free consultation program. PhilHealth, or the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation, is a government owned and controlled corporation that was created to deliver universal health insurance coverage for all Filipinos, making health care more accessible, available, and affordable for many. This is especially true for those who do not have instant access to quality health care.

PhilHealth’s Konsulta Package provides free annual check-ups, selected diagnostics, and medicines for Filipino patients through capitation payments. The program offers various medical services, including check-ups, pharmaceutical products, devices, and procedures.

To increase access to primary care services, the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) has once again encouraged local government units and qualified private health clinics across the country to become accredited providers of its Konsultasyong Sulit at Tama, or PhilHealth Konsulta Package.

After a devotional with the hospital staff, a motorcade equipped with a loudspeaker and public address system traveled through the city, inviting residents to participate in the government’s and AHD’s programs, which are aimed at enhancing the well-being of Filipinos. 

Key figures, including Edwin Garcia, chief of clinics; Mervin Marcos, head of the internal medicine department; Roy G. Perez, president of Adventist International Health Services Philippines Inc.; representatives of PhilHealth; and a delegation of Muslim leaders from Davao and nearby provinces, attended the launch and ribbon-cutting ceremony. 

The program is open to anyone seeking medical assistance. Participants can visit Adventist Hospital Davao or any other participating hospital that has implemented the program.

While only select diagnostic tests and medications are offered free of charge, clients can still access a wide range of services included in the program’s package. These services encompass primary care, diagnostic tests such as CBC with platelet count, urinalysis, fecalysis, sputum microscopy, fecal occult blood, pap smear, lipid profiling, fasting blood sugar, oral glucose tolerance test, ECG, chest x-ray, creatinine, and HbA1c. The package also includes medications like antimicrobial agents, fluids and electrolytes, and treatments for conditions such as asthma, fever, dyslipidemia, diabetes, hypertension, thrombosis, and allergies. Early this year, PhilHealth expanded its offerings to include mammography and ultrasound screening services, enhancing the early detection of breast cancer and addressing other conditions such as abdominal issues.

It’s important to note that not all medicines and services are entirely free, but they are covered within the package’s parameters. Since the consultation itself is free, participants can save on professional fees they would otherwise incur, providing significant financial relief for themselves and their families.

Adventist institutions, particularly hospitals, are recognized as frontliners in delivering quality health care and educating communities on the importance of a healthy lifestyle, regional Adventist health care leaders said. “In partnership with the government, these institutions not only promote good health and provide affordable ways to reduce hospital expenses but also help communities embrace a holistic approach to wellness that integrates both medical and spiritual care,” they said.

The original version of this story was posted on the Southern Asia-Pacific Division news site.

Rhoen Catolico, Southeastern Philippine Union Mission, Southern Asia-Pacific Division

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