
Week of Prayer 2021: Introduction

"There is no work of such great importance, we are told, than proclaiming this “last warning for a perishing world.”

Ted N. C. Wilson
Week of Prayer 2021: Introduction

“Unprecedented” is the word often used to describe recent world developments. Never before have such earthshaking events converged in such a relatively short period of time, affecting nearly every aspect of life so quickly and dramatically. Perceptions are running high that something stupendous is about to happen, but predictions about the future are vague and uncertain. Now is the time, if ever there was such a time, for Seventh-day Adventists to proclaim with Holy Spirit-inspired boldness the messages of the three angels found in Revelation 14:6-12. There is no work of such great importance, we are told, than proclaiming this “last warning for a perishing world.”

During this 2021 Week of Prayer we will dive deeply into these all-important messages that have Jesus Christ and His righteousness at their core as He seeks to bring home the necessity of uniting our lives fully and totally with Him.

The Seventh-day Adventist Church is a prophetic movement, raised up by God at a specific time in earth’s history to proclaim a specific message that could be given only at this time—that of the three angels of Revelation.

Now is the time to study these messages, to pray with hearts open to God’s leading, and to commit ourselves fully into His hands, saying, I will go to proclaim the three angels’ messages!

May the Lord bless you in a special way as you spend time with Him during this worldwide Week of Prayer.

Ted N. C. Wilson

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