During this special Week of Prayer, we will consider the most important, influential, and controversial book of all time: the Bible. Without question the Bible is the world’s best-selling and most widely distributed book. According to recent estimates, more than 5 billion copies have been printed. The Bible is the most translated book in the world, with various individual books of Scripture translated into 2,932 languages. The entire New Testament is available in 1,333 languages, and the complete Bible in 553 languages.*
Over the centuries the Bible has been a source of guidance, comfort, and courage to millions. It has also been banned, burned, maligned, and mispresented by its opponents.
As Seventh-day Adventists, what impact does this ancient yet timeless Book have on us? How can we be faithful to God and His Word while living in a postmodern world? You will find these timely readings addressing these questions and more as we explore God’s Word.
Questions regarding revelation and the inspiration of the Bible will be addressed in a practical way. Broad principles about how to read the Bible in a faithful and relevant way are presented. Other vital topics are also included: How does the Bible show me Jesus? How does it help me tell the difference between right and wrong? How will it give me hope and courage for these last days?
I encourage you to set aside time each day to “come apart” as a world church family to learn more about the Bible, pray, and listen to God’s voice through the pages of His Word.
May the Lord bless you as we prepare for His soon return. Maranatha!
Ted N. C. Wilson is president of the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist Church. Additional articles and commentaries are available from the president’s office on Twitter: @PastorTedWilson, and on Facebook: @PastorTed Wilson.