
Never Too Late (Second Sabbath - Children's)

Suddenly she heard Edson shriek in fear. Then she awoke, trembling.

Charles Mills
Never Too Late (Second Sabbath - Children's)

“The joy, the success, the glory of your ministry, is to be ever ready with listening ear to answer the call of the Master, ‘Here am I; send me’ ” (Ellen G. White, Selected Messages, book 2, p. 168). 

Ellen White squirmed in her sleep. The dream seemed so real. She was watching her son Edson with a group of young friends playing at a beach. They were so focused on having fun that they didn’t notice that they were moving farther and farther out from the shore. 

Ocean waves rose higher and higher and silently rushed toward the group before breaking with a mighty roar. Ellen gasped. “You have not a moment to lose!” she shouted, trying to be heard above the wind, water, and waves. “The undertow! The undertow!” 

Ellen knew that when the waves washed back out toward the ocean, they could carry those unsuspecting young men with them. They’d surely drown. Suddenly she heard Edson shriek in fear. Then she awoke, trembling. 

But her son wasn’t young. He was 43 years old, living far from home. He’d had a painful life, making many mistakes and lying about his situations. Ellen had even had to bail him out of jail several times. Edson’s father had died. So had two of his brothers. He was against everything that his mother stood for, and often told her so. 

The same day of the dream, Ellen wrote him a letter and told him about her nightmare. “The undertow represents the power of Satan and a set, independent, stubborn will of your own,” she said. She reminded him that he needed to surrender his life to God. 

That’s when something amazing happened. Edson believed her. He said to himself, I’m not on the right course to heaven. I need to change. 

And change he did! After much prayer he launched a brand-new ministry. He powered a little steamboat named the Morning Star down the mighty Mississippi River to the southern United States. He used it as a church and a school for African American people of that area, sharing the gospel with them. In time he helped establish 15 schools, a publishing house to create books for Black Americans to enjoy, and a sanitarium to address their medical needs. 

The story of Edson White provides a wonderful illustration of two important lessons. First, parents should never give up on their children. Ellen wrote him many letters and always let him know that she loved him. And second, it’s never too late to become a disciple of Jesus. 

That’s why, when Edson finally allowed Jesus into His heart and heard the Savior say, “Go to all the world and share My love,” the man was ready. “I will go,” he said joyfully. “I will go!” 

That’s what disciples do. 

Getting Ready to Go

Are you ready to go and be a disciple? Prayerfully consider these ideas. 

  • Volunteer at a local soup kitchen. Serve kindness with the meals. 
  • Create ways to raise funds for ADRA. 
  • Make your pastor happy by offering to help out at church. 
  • Write encouraging emails to people who are facing problems.

1 Unless otherwise noted, Bible texts are from the New King James Version.

1 Unless otherwise noted, Bible texts are from the New King James Version.

2 Texts credited to NIV are from the New International Version.

Charles Mills

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