
God’s Love Wins


Randy Fishell
God’s Love Wins

“He will drink the wine of God’s anger” (Revelation 14:10, ICB).


Eustorgio, a Peruvian farmer, hated the Adventist more than anything. Tonight he would invite the Adventist to dinner, but not to enjoy a meal. No, tonight he would poison his guest.

“That smells good!” the Adventist said as he stepped into Eustorgio’s adobe hut. “I’m so glad you invited me,” he continued. “I have so much to tell you about what’s happened to me since I invited Jesus into my life.”

“That sounds good,” Eustorgio lied. “Why don’t you tell me about it while we eat?”

The two men sat down to a simple meal of rice and beans. Sitting before each of them was a glass filled with drink. The glass in front of the Adventist had little flowers on it—and deadly poison in it.

The Adventist bowed his head and thanked God for the meal set before them. Soon he picked up the glass of juice and emptied it in one big gulp. “Ah, that was delicious!” he said. “Papaya juice is my favorite!”

“I made it especially for you,” Eustorgio said with an evil smile. Soon this Adventist will double over and die! he thought.

But as the minutes ticked by with nothing happening to his guest, Eustorgio shifted nervously in his chair. Two hours passed as the Adventist enjoyed his meal and spoke of God’s love.

At last the Adventist stood to leave, but not before inviting Eustorgio to attend church with him on Sabbath. As the man walked away, Eustorgio fell to his knees inside his hut. Trembling, he thought, How could that man still be alive? Is he a wizard of some kind? Or . . . maybe everything he’d said about God was true!

“Oh, Lord, God of that Adventist,” Eustorgio whispered, “now I see that You are real and that You have the power to save. Please save me too!”*


■ What are some spiritual lies that people believe?

■ Why do you think it is important for God’s end-time judgment to take place?


Thank God for giving you the freedom to choose your spiritual beliefs. Ask Him to teach you about His love and how that takes away any fear about the end-time judgment.

* Story adapted from Juliana Marin, “Blessed Poison,” Guide, December 12, 2009.

Randy Fishell

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