
What Made You Stay (With The Church)?

Professionals, in different spaces, answer this question.


I struggled with teenage doubts. Was this wonderful idea, that Jesus was coming to rescue me, true or a coping mechanism for dealing with our painful existence? I realized that rather than look at fellow church members, I needed to keep my eyes on Jesus.

Kara, mental health counselor

Born and raised in New York, I was inundated with Judaism. My neighbor was a Catholic, and I went to Mass with her. I walked on Jamaica Avenue and talked to Muslims for hours. After learning about Buddhism, I said to God, “God, I want to know You for myself, and if You really are small enough to fit within my heart.” The one thing that has kept me going is that I am sure why I am here. Church is not a habit for me; it is an intentional choice and a welcome responsibility.

Jolene, educator

The ritual of going to church every Sabbath [since birth] helps me to put down an anchor in the swift current of daily life, and mark off a sacred time that gives a sense of rhythm and continuity to my life. In my travels I treasure the experience of finding a local Seventh-day Adventist church and participating in worship as it is shared by people very different from me, yet with so much in common.

Alicia, transitioning missionary

The church has been a part of my life. In good and bad it has been my community, and I have never looked for a way out, never considered leaving. I’ve always seen myself as being part of the church, and have worked for change from that place.

Ricardo, field director, AFM.

I’m a Seventh-day Adventist because this church gives me a worldwide family; assures me of a healthier lifestyle; makes me happier, less stressful, more humble, God-centered; makes me a better father and husband; gives me a mission to share—Jesus, who loves me and died for me; and is simply where God wants me to be.

Carl, travel agent

I do not imagine myself outside the church. As Peter answered Jesus: “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” I learned the truth in the church; I grow in my faith in the church; and I need to spread the message with my church.

Oksana, accountant, auditor

I was 12 years old when I made the commitment to give my life to Jesus. I knew that day this monumental decision would catapult me into a greater dimension, and my life would never again be the same.

Daphnee, ministry leader

The miracle of prophecy fulfilled and the realization that God desperately wants us to understand what’s going on behind the scenes washed away my doubts. Whenever I was tempted to leave, I couldn’t give up the conviction that God is real, and that He has a plan that includes me.

Toni-Marie, human resources

I believe the Seventh-day Adventist Church is the remnant church of the last days.

Tanya, nonprofit development director

I stay because of the church’s commitment to sola scriptura and, accordingly, the truth no matter the consequences.

Lenny government finance

I stay because Seventh-day Adventists keep searching the Bible for truth. Every belief is based on the Bible, which teaches us how to live in wholeness and balance. Making a difference in ourselves, in others, and in society; working as a team until Jesus comes back!

Nozomi, missionary spouse

I’m still in the church because of my strong Christian mother, who gave me a great foundation and set me the true example.

Dorothy, administrative assistant

Fact is, I left, and the Holy Spirit brought me back. Now I stay in this church because it’s the family of God I was placed into. It has huge dysfunctions, like every family; but it’s mine, and I’m not leaving again.

Stephanie Ann, chaplain

The ability to learn and develop on both a spiritual and personal level.

Michelle, office manager

The sound doctrinal beliefs and the uncontested “truth” found in the Word of God is the one thing that has kept me in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. And a deep sense of belonging that no social or professional group has engendered.

Pauline, registered nurse

God has been faithful to me even though many times I have let Him down. Why leave?

Nilitsa, insurance sales advisor


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