The story of Jesus calming the storm in Mark 4:35-41 is one that is often told. As we read the text, we can imagine the story with waves tossing the boat, thunder cracking, lightening ripping across the sky, and sensing the fear of the disciples. We are caught as the text describes the one element that doesn’t fit this story of terror at sea—Jesus sleeping through it all. The story ends with Jesus awakening, standing in the boat, and calling out to the elements, “Peace, be still.” And then there is silence.
Many artists, using a variety of media, have reflected on this story. Musicians have taken the text and written lyrics or poems. The songs that we share here are sung by different artists. Take the time to listen by clicking the supplied links to hear the story sung instead of told.
When artists relate to a biblical story their culture is reflected in their art as well. Click on the links to discover the variety of perspectives. Each artist is credited with a link to their work.

- Master, the Tempest is Raging, sung by G. Michael Eldridge
Michael Eldridge sings acapella and recorded this song by singing four different parts himself. Enjoy this rendition of this special hymn, click here.

2. Master, the Tempest is Raging, sung by the Amazing Discovery Adventist Youth Choir (2017)
This choir hailing from East Africa offers the same hymn sung in Kiswahili. Click the link below.
3. Be Still My Soul, sung by Wintley Phipps
While perhaps not associated immediately with this story, this song incorporates the theme in the second verse. Enjoy this inspirational rendition. Click the link below.
4. Be Still My Soul, sung by Eclipse 6
Another version of the same song, but sung acapella by a men’s group. Click the link below to enjoy.
Enjoy these paintings depicting the same story by various artists from around the world.

For more on Janet Hyun and this painting, click here.

For more on Neil Thorogood and his artwork, click here.

For more on He Qi, click here.

For more on Laura James and her art, click here.

For more on James Tissot and his artwork, click here.

For more on Ketut Lasia (Bali) artwork, click here.

To read more about Eugène Delacroix and his work, click here.